Former members
Ben Bremer (undergrad student): Researcher at Ascidian Therapeutics
Jerry Duan (MS student)
Sonali Gupta (PhD student)
Jonathan Greenhalgh (PhD student): Scientist at CleanJoule
Emily Hinds (undergrad student): Graduate student at University of Chicago
Trent Hinkle (MS student): Researcher at Genentech
Leland Hyman (PhD student): Scientist at Sherlock Biosciences
Aaron Lin (postdoc): Scientist at Metagenomi
Kane Nania (MS student): Rockstar
Mark Politz (postdoc): Scientist at Benson Hill
Michael Rowse (postdoc): Biology faculty at IUPUC
Apoorv Saraogee (MS student): Researcher at Zymergen
Haiyang Zheng (undergrad student): Graduate student at Baylor College of Medicine